Pamlico Amateur Radio Club


Pamlico Amateur Radio Club is affiliated with ARES/RACES. Monthly ARES/RACES meetings begin at 6:30 PM at the same day and location as PARC. For more information about how to get involved in ARES/RACES contact an officer.


Office Name Call Phone Email
Emergency Coordinator Open

Assistant Emergency Coordinator Cheryl McGuire KX4EC (252)945-8220
Assistant Emergency Coordinator Margaret McGuire KX4ED (252)227-2604

Would you like to join?

To join, fill out a membership application for ARES here. Please mail the application to the address below or bring it to the next meeting.

Pamlico Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
C/O Cheryl Mc Guire
530 Jamaka Dr.
Washington, NC 27889